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Hello there. This game was a wierd ride.


So Bruno is a biy of a wierd character. Hes the only dectective for the cult case yet he has more then enough stuff to prove it with the one foto in his office. The game have you almost never run? why? this game has alot of long sections and we just have to walk all that way. I do like what you did to the main menu but why is there no options for sound. The sound was very loud at my side so that was kinda bad. The story itself had also a pretty big hole. Why are there monster at night? Sure there bunkers and yes there is a bloodmoon that night but looking at some of the dialogue those monsters arent new. So why are they there

Final thoughts.

Interesting idea and concept but its just not explaned well enough. Let us know why there monsters and my light is there one weakness. At the sound option back and the option to run.

Hope this helps. Keep it up

Hello! Sorry for the late response, let me clear up some of your questions:

Why no run button? We didn't think of that, honestly. Instead, I fixed the different speeds depending on the occasion. Good idea, though!

Sound was loud sometimes? So sorry about that, none of our playtesters reported the sound being too loud, so I didn't think of changing it. We'll test even more next time!

No sound on the menu? That's on me too, our main artist had the idea to add some, but I was already uploading the game at that moment. We'll try to do better next time!

And thank you so much for your comment, much appreciated. Hope you enjoyed the game :D